These documents are for the UUSJ Board Meeting on February 20, 2016.

Board Minutes 2-20-16 as of 5-16-16 (includes Treasurer’s Report and November Board minutes as amended)

UUSJ Board Meeting Agenda DRAFT 2-20-16

Board_Minutes_11-7-2015 as amended

DRAFT FY16 Treasurer Report thru Jan 2016 (PDFdocx)

UUSJ Financials 1-31-16 (PDF – Excel)

Proposed FY16-17 Budget

UUSJ Fairshare updated 2-18-16 (PDFExcel)


UUSJ_Board_List-February-2016 v2 2-19-16 (Items in bold have been changed since last version.)

ExDir Search Committee Charge 2016

Committee and Task Force Reports (4 out 6 committees reporting as of 2/19/16)

Additional Resources
UUSJ Covenant Final Updated 05-15-15


UUSJ 09-24-15 Responsibilities of Congregations and R&R of Board Member List of Committees

UUSJ Strategic Plan 2013-15 (10) as of 9-15-2013

UUSJ Executive Director Job Description – This is a link to our posting on Idealist.