Meeting Resources:

Draft Agenda June 15th Board Meeting, as of 2019-06-14, posted 2019-06-14

Executive Director’s Report, as of 2019-06-13, posted 2019-06-14

UUSJ Treasurer Report June 2019 and May Financials, as of 2019-06-13, posted 2019-06-14

Budget Proposal, as of 2019-06-13, posted 2019-06-14

Committee and Task Group Reports, as of 2019-06-06, posted 2019-06-08

UUSJ Board Meeting Minutes – DRAFT – March 03, 2019, as of 2019-06-07, posted 2019-06-07

Advocacy Conference Flyer: Advancing Economic and Climate Justice as a Moral Issue Building a Movement for A Green New Deal


Previous Meeting Resources:

Final Agenda March 9th Board Meeting, as of 2019-03-07, posted 2019-03-07

Executive Director’s Report, as of 2019-03-08, posted 2019-03-08

UUSJ Treasurer Report March 2019, as of 2019-03-08, posted 2019-03-08

UUSJ FINANCIALS FEB2019 FINAL BOARD, as of 2019-03-08, posted 2019-03-08

Budget Proposal, as of 2019-03-08, posted 2019-03-08

Committee and Task Group Reports, as of 2019-03-08, posted 2019-03-08

UUSJ Board Meeting Minutes – DRAFT – January 12, 2019, as of 2019-03-03, posted 2019-03-04



Additional Resources:

Advocacy Corps & UUSJ Handout updated 2019-02-24, posted 2019-03-07

UUSJ Strategic Plan 2013-15 (10) as of 9-15-2013 copy

UUSJ Development Plan Update as of 2014-06-02

CUUSAN and UUSJ Covenant as of 2018-08-28, posted 2018-09-28

Final Financials for FY2016-17

APPROVED BUDGET Plus UUA Grant FY 2017/2018

UUSJ Member Congregations and Board Members Roles Responsibilities 2017-09-08

ByLaws as of 2017-07-26