Author: Pablo DeJesus

Get Connected to the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival

Over 30 states have committed to a Real Emergency Truth and Poverty Bus Tour, which began recently and runs through early May. The bus tours are an important way that we are raising the issues of this campaign: poverty, systemic racism, ecological devastation, the war economy and the distorted moral narrative from the very voices … Continue reading Get Connected to the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival

A review of UUSJ and UUs with the Poor People’s Campaign – 2018

UUSJ and UUA endorsed the PPC during 2018 and helped UU mobilization across the nation in support of the 40 Day Moral Monday Campaign. A video summary of the PPC effort is available here.     During the 2018 season of direct actions, more than 200 UUs were arrested, including our own John Gubbings, UUSJ … Continue reading A review of UUSJ and UUs with the Poor People’s Campaign – 2018

Introducing A UU-WIDE Climate Action Movement (In Progress)

Do You Share This Vision? “UUs nationwide will be reliable and fully engaged partners in advocacy and action that accomplish local, national, and global practices for the Climate Just Transition to 100 % Renewable Energy, guided by the UN Sustainable Development Goals.” 2019 arrived with a red-hot awareness and urgency to respond to climate change. … Continue reading Introducing A UU-WIDE Climate Action Movement (In Progress)

Pablo DeJesús on the Shutdown “Pause” – Notes for Justice Seekers

The shutdown is over — for now — perhaps better stated, it’s on pause, certainly so on the political front, as the new February deadline looms.  But the economic and social costs have yet to be fully tallied or analyzed. Early work suggests pervasive effects and consequences will be felt. And, deeply divisive legislative and … Continue reading Pablo DeJesús on the Shutdown “Pause” – Notes for Justice Seekers

Please support UUSJ’s “loud, unified UU voice” by Bob Denniston, Board Chair

As a member of UUSJ’s Capitol Hill Advocacy Corps I’ve seen first-hand the power of personal stories to make a difference when we reach out to policy-makers in our quest for social justice based on UU values. That’s why I’m asking for your financial support to add to our ability to “change the world through … Continue reading Please support UUSJ’s “loud, unified UU voice” by Bob Denniston, Board Chair

A Letter from Congregants from All Souls Church, Unitarian (DC) regarding what is happening along the Borderlands

Dear Friends: Along with Reverends Hardies and Keithan, we had the privilege of representing All Souls UU (and UUs more generally) on November 13-18th during a trip to the U.S.-Mexico border. Our trip was in partnership with the UU College of Social Justice and BorderLinks, an experiential learning program that guided our exploration of the … Continue reading A Letter from Congregants from All Souls Church, Unitarian (DC) regarding what is happening along the Borderlands

Alicia Sanchez Gill Freemyn on The Politics of Inherent Worth & Dignity — Our Continuing Journey

As the nights become longer, and our days become colder, I feel my body slowing down, craving warmth and demanding in no uncertain terms: rest. I have spent the last 24 months, not unlike many of you, protesting almost daily, working in overdrive and drinking too much coffee. And I know I am not alone. … Continue reading Alicia Sanchez Gill Freemyn on The Politics of Inherent Worth & Dignity — Our Continuing Journey