UUSJ Social Justice Award Categories – 2019

UUSJ Social Justice Award Categories – 2019

The nominator will select one of the categories listed below which best describes their nominee. UUSJ may elect not to award in every category based on the total submissions in a category.  The judges’ decisions are final.

Eligibility Requirements for Nominees

  • Nomination(s) must be submitted in full and final form by the announced submission deadline (August 26, 2019)   
  • Nominator must obtain the acknowledgement of the congregation’s minister/senior leader of the nomination(s) being submitted, which includes review of the nomination text.
  • Submissions must be completed online by completing the online form.
  • Awardees may only receive one award each award cycle.
  • Individuals or groups that have been recognized with a UUSJ award are not eligible to receive the same award in two sequential award cycles.
  • UUSJ Executive Committee Officers are not eligible for awards.

Award Criteria:          

  • The extent to which the work description matches the description of the award.
  • The quality of the project/work.
  • The impact on whom project was directed.
  • The length of time the effort has been underway.
  • Whether the project described and methods used are replicable.
  • Whether the project is sustainable if it is meant to be.
  • What roadblocks/challenges were needed to be overcome, and what methods were used to do so.
  • What motivations caused the congregation or leader to pursue this project or idea.
  • How program got people excited about taking action.


Congregational Awards

  1. Collaboration Award – effective congregational social action/justice program reflecting and elevating UU values and principles that has involved cooperation with another UU congregation(s), other faith based groups, and/or non-religious organizations.
  2. Racial Justice and Beloved Community Award — work, witness and/or advocacy by congregations or program leaders who are transforming their ministry through racial justice and inclusion, carrying out one or more of these actions: confronting racism and oppression as barriers to social change and healthy human relations; building multicultural community and solidarity; achieving diversity in congregational membership, leadership, and staffing.
  3. Congregational Social Justice Program Award – creative, inventive, and/or transformative congregational program that can serve as a model for other congregations.  These programs make a significant contribution to social justice and/or advocacy that encourages both learning and action across a broad span of congregation members.
  4. Economic Justice Award* – effective work, witness and/or advocacy for the systemic changes needed to promote a more just economy and compassionate society.
  5. Environmental/Climate Justice Award* – effective work, witness, and/or advocacy in response to environmental challenges and climate change.
  6. Immigration Award* – effective work, witness and/or advocacy that can serve as a model for the ways to transform concern into action for justice for immigrants.
  7. Defending our Democracy* — effective work, witness and/or advocacy that supports using our votes to support the principles we share.

Individual Leadership Awards

  1.  Minister/Senior Leader’s Award – leading, inspiring, supporting and/or expressing effective social action reflecting UU values and principles.
  2. Emerging Leader Award – an individual who is emerging as a lay leader inspiring, supporting and expressing effective social action reflecting UU values and principles.  This may be a youth (ages 13-18), young adult or someone who in newly inspiring and supporting of effective social action.
  3. Lifetime Achievement Award – an individual who has spent at least 20 years as a lay leader supporting and expressing effective social action reflecting UU values and principles.

*UUSJ currently has these four priority issues; periodically UUSJ surveys members and congregations to determine if changes are needed.


UUSJ Social Justice Award Nominations – 2019