Author: Pablo DeJesus

Cindy Piester Calls UU Climate Change Conference Life-Changing

I am a longtime committed climate activist from California who joined many other Unitarian Universalists in Washington, DC this fall at an historic conference to advance economic and climate justice and build a Green New Deal (GND).  Interacting and networking with so many environmentally committed UUs was life-changing. (See a summary HERE.) The successful well-organized … Continue reading Cindy Piester Calls UU Climate Change Conference Life-Changing

Donor Advised Funds

What is a donor-advised fund? A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a type of giving program that allows you to combine the most favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to easily support your favorite charities. You can find quick links to support UUSJ via a DFA HERE. It is also possible to donate marketable securities such … Continue reading Donor Advised Funds

Create Climate Justice: Building a Movement for a Green New Deal

Conference Summary by UUJEC Washington DC, September 15-September 17 For more on UUSJ’s: Advocacy Corps program, Write Here! Write Now! program or issue Priorities. See the speaker agenda. View a blog post by our partner UU Ministry for Earth. Read an account in UU World by participant Lily Hartzell Photos of conference activities HERE and HERE.   What We Did – … Continue reading Create Climate Justice: Building a Movement for a Green New Deal

Stand up for Working Families. Oppose the SNAP Rule Change by September 23!

Stand up for Working Families. Oppose the SNAP Rule Change by September 23, 2019! The Administration is proposing to gut states’ options to eliminate SNAP asset tests and use a higher income test to serve more working households that have significant expenses for shelter and childcare. The USDA proposal would eliminate SNAP (i.e., food stamps) benefits for … Continue reading Stand up for Working Families. Oppose the SNAP Rule Change by September 23!

Now Open – UUSJ Social Justice Awards Nominations – 2019!

UUSJ Social Justice Awards Nominations – 2019 – Now Open (till August 26) We know there are many worthy individuals and groups from our congregations who are doing wonderful things to make the world a better place.  UUSJ requests your help identifying these Social Justice Stars so we can honor them at our Biennial Awards … Continue reading Now Open – UUSJ Social Justice Awards Nominations – 2019!

The Poor People’s Campaign — Through 2020 and Beyond

The Poor People’s Campaign — Through 2020 and Beyond You may recall, both UUA and UUSJ endorsed the Poor People’s Campaign (PPC) and have committed to fighting: the distorted moral narrative, systemic racism, poverty, the war economy and ecological devastation as important intersectional and interfaith social justice work.   Many UUs from across the nation … Continue reading The Poor People’s Campaign — Through 2020 and Beyond

UUSJ Social Justice Award Categories – 2019

UUSJ Social Justice Award Categories – 2019 After reviewing the categories below, start the nomination process here ( The nominator will select one of the categories listed below which best describes their nominee. UUSJ may elect not to award in every category based on the total submissions in a category.  The judges’ decisions are final. … Continue reading UUSJ Social Justice Award Categories – 2019