Gary Magnuson on the Need for an Unremitting UU Presence in Washington, DC (Why I believe in the role and potential of UUSJ…)

It has been my honor to represent two Unitarian Universalist congregations on the Board of Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice (UUSJ).  Why? Because I believe in the role and potential of UUSJ.  

Like many of you, I belonged to a different religion prior to becoming a Unitarian Universalist.  I was Lutheran for many years, but a gut check later in life woke me up. It was clear that I was not doing enough to address the social justice ills of the nation I cared so much about. Caring wasn’t doing, and simply reciting creeds didn’t make a difference. I needed to do more.  So I joined a UU congregation to actively live my faith.

UUSJ helps do that by providing a faith-based forum uniting UU congregations and individual members to take action on federal issues.  Through UUSJ, we can address our Nation’s social justice ills at the center of decision-making power: Washington DC.

As a former association executive with Capitol Hill experience, I know that groups with a regular and unremitting presence in Washington, are most likely to be listened to by Congress. 

UUSJ unites Unitarian Universalists in the Washington area, and links them to UUs throughout the nation.  UUSJ offers a strong and ever-present voice, to advance UU values and achieve advocacy goals. Our work is driven by UU member volunteers, which is unique and extraordinary among faith-based advocacy groups.  

How else are UU values effectively represented before Congress? The prospect of other UU congregations and individuals throughout the country joining UUSJ activism and reaching Members of Congress in their states is exciting.  I can’t wait for this potential to be realized. The need to confront social injustice is now greater than ever.

For these reasons, I ask you to join, support, and if able donate to UUSJ, to help ensure UUs have a voice that is heard and a seat at the table for social justice in the federal forum. The potential for UUSJ advancing UU values is without equal.

In gratitude,

Gary Magnuson

Please consider making a donation to UUSJ to support our work into 2020 *


Gary Magnuson has been a UU since 2014. First joining the UU Congregation of Rockville, he is now a member of the UU Congregation of Frederick.  He serves on the UUSJ board and its membership committee and development team. Gary has over 40 years of policy experience with federal and state governments and non-profit associations. He has worked for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Center for Marine Conservation and the federal interagency Committee on Marine Transportation System.  He has also been a congressional staffer and worked for the California governor’s office, a member of Congress, the governor of California, and the Center for Marine Conservation.