Author: Charlotte Jones Carroll

2022 Board Chair Message

It continues to be an honor to serve this coming year as Chair of the UUSJ board, accompanied by Rev. Peggy Clarke (New York, NY), Vice-Chair; Chloe Emily Ockey (Fresno, CA), Secretary; and Mariano Vera (Sarasota, FL), Treasurer. Under the first year of UUSJ’s new diverse, national governance structure, we made considerable progress thanks to … Continue reading 2022 Board Chair Message

Thoughts on Moral Owners

Charlotte Jones-Carroll, UUSJ Board Chair Private sector corporations are accountable to their owners – usually their shareholders.  And governments are accountable to those they govern, usually voters. To whom are non-profit organizations accountable?   Some say it is to the stakeholders – anyone with an interest in the non-profit, such as beneficiaries of its services, donors, … Continue reading Thoughts on Moral Owners

Immigration Task Group Sees Opportunities for Effective Advocacy

UUSJ’s Immigration Task Group is analyzing priorities for the next two years under the incoming Biden Administration. It will call for immediate steps to reverse and/or rescind the many anti-immigrant executive actions and rule changes of the past four years. These include reinstating the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) and the TPS (Temporary Protected … Continue reading Immigration Task Group Sees Opportunities for Effective Advocacy

Immigration Task Group

We are also very troubled by the latest anti-immigrant actions court decisions that may allow the termination of Temporary Protected Status (TPS), resulting in deportations starting next Spring. Protest rallies and legal appeals are underway. However, most immigrant advocates say only a change in administration will provide a legal pathway to citizenship.  for TPS holders … Continue reading Immigration Task Group

Immigrant Advocacy

UUSJ’s Immigration Task Group is also calling on Congress to reduce funding for the Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) in the Department of Homeland Security budget for the fiscal year 2021. It also urges strict limitations on moving money from other DHS agencies to ICE and CBP. Action on … Continue reading Immigrant Advocacy

Immigration and Covid-19

The federal emergency bill (CARES Act) that authorized $2 trillion for individuals, small businesses, health facilities, and large corporations affected by the coronavirus has a glaring omission. It excludes families that are undocumented and even those with mixed status. Under the bill, immigrants considered “resident aliens” (which now can include DACA and TPS holders) are … Continue reading Immigration and Covid-19