Will You Help Stand for Economic Justice, For Fusion Politics?

Monday, December 13
12pm ET
Washington DC near the US Capitol (exact location TBA)


Both the UUA and UUSJ have endorsed this urgent upcoming action with The Poor People’s Campaign: National Call For Moral Revival. UUSJ has been an endorser since 2018. 

Can we help showcase fusion organizing by bringing all the issues in the BBB and voting rights bills together for a powerful protest and action? Can UUs bring November’s 18 Non-Violent Direct Actors on Democracy, and October’s 40 on the Environment? 

With the pandemics of systemic racism, poverty, voter suppression and COVID-19 still decimating our daily lives and our democracy, we need Congress to pass voting rights and Build Back Better before the end of the year.  Join the Poor People’s Campaign in Washington DC to tell Congress: Get It Done in 2021!

People continue being  knocked out and down by the pandemic, poverty wages, climate disaster, militarization of our borders and criminalization of immigrants, lack of healthcare, voter suppression, a racist legal system and more. Over the past few weeks, there have been powerful actions focused on many of these issues, but how much more can be done  if we bring it all together.

Those that are willing to risk arrest in manifesting our values will need to attend in-person training in D.C. either Sunday December 12th or the morning of the 13th. Details to follow.

Information forthcoming on how to connect to buses for general rally solidarity participation.