UUSJ’s presence in the halls of power is important to share and implement our values

Chaplain Eleanor Piez, UU Community Minister. Eleanor served as Intern Minister with UUC of Annapolis and UU Legislative Ministry of MD and is currently affiliated with Mt. Vernon Unitarian Church, VA.


As a minister, I feel it’s my job to ask continually: How do we advance our noblest spiritual beliefs and commitments? How, each day, do we affirm our connection to whatever is sacred as we move through our daily lives? UUSJ helps me do this. It brings spiritual principles like dignity, compassion, interconnection, equity, into practical terms – and writes them large – into our nation’s laws, budget decisions, and public policies. Even if we don’t pass everything we work on, we’re planted strongly in those values, and people notice. UUSJ’s presence in the halls of power is so important to share and implement these values. People need – and want – to hear our voice.