UUSJ’s Guide to UU Questions for Candidates 2020: Getting Candidates on the Record
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UUs are great at conducting traditional voter registration and Get Out The Vote efforts, but this year we need to do more. Every election is an opportunity to engage candidates as they host town halls and meet with voters before we cast our ballots. This provides a great way to lift up our UU concerns to our soon-to-be-elected representatives and the public alike.
This Guide supports congregations and individuals who want to seek out candidates and get them on the record on issues that UU’s care about. The Guide provides ideas and tips on how to find and engage candidates, cohost a candidate forum, and encourage discernment on the issues that are important to UUs and our communities. You’ll also find sample questions for US House and Senate candidates in four areas – Defending Our Democracy, Economic Justice, Environmental and Climate Justice, and Immigration Justice.
We must be active participants in the democratic process, especially during this critical election year. And after the election we must continue to raise our voices on critical social justice issues–civic engagement and advocacy is a year-round responsibility! Download the full Candidates Question Guide.
