UUSJ’s Advocacy Corps gave a “thumbs up” to MD Senator Ben Cardin on Sept. 26 for his stance on healthcare legislation. The Advocacy Corps delivered letters expressing UUSJ concerns on pending healthcare legislation, urging bipartisan collaboration for accessible, affordable, and quality healthcare, to 33 senators’ offices, including Senators Susan Collins, Lisa Murkoswki, and John McCain. The Advocacy Corps visits Capitol Hill on the second Tuesday of each month to convey UU values and principles on key issues. To learn more contact advocacy@UUSJ.org or go to our Advocacy Corps page.
Tuesday evening President Trump acknowledged the failure of the Graham-Cassidy repeal bill but vowed that come 2018, when the reconciliation process can resume in the Senate the he and the GOP leadership will bring up a A.C.A. repeal bill again. It is imperative that we all be vigilant regarding healthcare come the new year.