UU-United Nations Office is Developing Climate Action Teams

uuuno_logoThe Unitarian Universalist United Nations Office (UU-UNO) Climate Change Initiative recently announced the development of Climate Action Teams (CATs), which are groups dedicated to raising awareness about and acting against climate change within your congregation and community. The Climate Action Team (CAT) Program is already off to a good start as congregations across the UU community are expressing interest in forming a CAT. If you are interested in establishing a CAT in your congregation, please click on each of the links below to view material about registration, next steps, and more.


1. CAT First Steps

2. CAT Overall Goals and Actions

3. CAT Online Instructions and Recommendations

4. CAT Strategic Plan Form

5. Letter to CATs about the UU-UNO 2014 Intergenerational Spring Seminar

6. Spring Seminar 2014 Save the Date


And if you haven’t yet viewed the CAT Pamphlet: CLICK HERE

For further information about CATs and how you can incorporate one into your congregation please contact the UU-UNO at unitednations(at)uua.org.