Mass water shutoffs in Detroit, Mich., are making news around the world. The Detroit Water and Sewerage Department has reported shutting off water to over 11,000 households in the past two months.
Water is a basic human right. People need water for drinking, bathing, and even flushing the toilet!
Families with infants and children, people living with disabilities or chronic illness, and the elderly will be hurt most by these shutoffs. Their health is at risk without adequate water and sanitation. Child Protective Services must, by law, move to protect children in homes without adequate water and sanitation — children may be taken from their parents and put into foster care.
Take action now: Sign the statement here. UUSC and the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) are petitioning Mayor Michael Duggan, DWSD Director Sue McCormick, and Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr to restore water to most vulnerable households and to stop further shutoffs to vulnerable households. Help us send a strong message to Detroit’s emergency manager and water utility director. Help stop mass shutoffs and protect residents of this great American city. Help defend the human right to water.
Update 7/18/14: Nearly 6,000 people have signed on in protest of Detroit’s mass water shutoffs, exceeding our goal of 5,000 signatures! We will be delivering these signatures to Detroit’s mayor, Water and Sewerage Department director, and emergency manager soon.