Isn’t it great to be a Unitarian Universalist and to be in communities that understand and support our deep sorrow at this time?
I am so grateful to be connected to Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice (UUSJ) and working side-by-side with my fellow UUs here and at home as we navigate these turbulent times. My community organizing experiences led me to start working with UUSJ at the end of 2022. I became involved with the UUSJ’s Democracy Action Team at that time. The ongoing commitment to working with our federal legislators and the team’s ongoing legislative analyses have been superb and just what I was looking for to make a difference at the federal level.
First Name, please stay engaged. I encourage you to go to the UUSJ website now and sign up:
(1) to Join a UUSJ Action Team,
(2) Sign Up for the UUSJ eNews, and
(3) to Donate to UUSJ so our work can continue and blossom.
If you’re not ready for action, I really understand. Take your own time. But some of us are ready and need to get started. We have miles to go before we sleep. For me, UUSJ is the place to be.
First Name, I leave you with these words from Starhawk: “Community means strength that joins our strength to do the work that needs to be done. Arms to hold us when we falter. A circle of healing. A circle of friends. Someplace where we can be free.”
Blessed be.
UUSJ Board of Trustees
Lakewood, CA