PRO Act Expert Opinion Briefing

Tuesday, Dec. 7: 7 pmET/ 6pm CT/ 5 pm/MT/ 4 pm PT
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Join us to learn more about the PRO Act (Action Alert) and how it protects the right to organize in the workplace and connects to workplace safety and healthcare policies. Guest speakers from the AFL-CIO, Public Citizen, and Network LOBBY.

UUSJ is partnering with UUs for a Just Economic Community (UUJEC), as part of our support for their Action of Immediate Witness (AIW) The COVID-19 Pandemic: Justice. Healing. Courage, adopted in June 2021 during UUA General Assembly. As part of the AIWs call to support laborers, unions, and labor law reform, it supports passage of  the PRO Act. The AIW asks UUs to “recognize the need to build just and equitable infrastructures for medical care and public health, in labor and community organizing, and in congregation-based programs for social and personal wellness.”

The pandemic has underscored the inability of employees to influence employers to provide  basic dignity, safety, and respect in the workplace. More Americans recognize the broad right of fair work, fair pay, and safe work conditions.  All merit adequate protection, compensation, and representation: whether working for Amazon, food supply, auto assembly, retail, hospitality, healthcare or as  university teaching assistants. Gaining traction on this policy complex probably requires an effective right to organize in the workplace, as detailed in the PRO Act.