October 17-November 22, Photo Exhibit
Sunday, October 18, 12:30-2:00pm, Panel Discussion
Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Church, Bethesda, MD
“Pioneering Voices” is a museum-quality exhibit of photographs and personal stories of trans* people of all ages, and their partners and children. Created by Family Diversity Projects1, the exhibit provides a moving personal introduction to trans* people who are so often invisible, marginalized, or known only through myths and stereotypes. Pioneering Voices explores the many aspects of gender identity and variance, and celebrates a range of trans* views, opinions, and experiences.
On Sunday Oct. 18, from 12:30-2:00pm, a panel of LGBTQ+ individuals and allies will discuss the exhibit and answer questions. Light snacks will be provided. For more information about the exhibit or panel discussion, please contact Cedar Lane’s “Together” leadership team at togetherLT@googlegroups.com
1Family Diversity Projects (FDP) is a non-profit organization devoted to educating people of all ages about the full range of diversity. FDP has created seven award-winning traveling photo-text exhibits, as well as books, consultants, workshops and speakers related to people who are discriminated against due to sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, race, national origin, religion, and disabilities of all kinds. For more information, please see www.familydiv.org.