Please ask your federal legislators to prevent and respond to discrimination and violence against LGBT people globally by becoming an Original Cosponsor of the International Human Rights Defense Act of 2015.
Sen. Ed Markey will soon re-introduce the International Human Rights Defense Act of 2015, which PFLAG National supported in the last Congress and formally endorses in this Congress. The bill makes it a U.S. foreign policy priority for the State Department to respond to discrimination and violence against the LGBT community globally, and creates a new Special Envoy position at the State Department to coordinate those efforts. Congressman Alan Lowenthal is introducing a companion bill in the House.
Please reach your two Senators and one U.S. Representative by clicking here and include your name, complete address with zip code, and consider using this suggested PFLAG message:
As your constituent and as a member of PFLAG, I urge you to become an original cosponsor of The International Human Rights Defense Act of 2015. PFLAG’s values are America’s values and that includes making it a foreign policy priority to prevent and respond to discrimination and violence against LGBT people globally. Thank you for considering this, and thank you especially if you have already signed on. If you have not, please cosponsor by reaching Jen_Wagner(at) in Sen. Markey’s office or tim.hyson(at) in Congressman Lowenthal’s office.