UUSJ was established nearly 25 years ago with the “big vision” of supporting the social justice efforts of UU congregations in relation to the actions and activities of our federal government. Never in the quarter century since has it been more important to have an organization founded on the UU values of equity, generosity, transformation, interdependence—and justice grounded in love and embracing the pluralism that defines us at our best—representing, training, and mobilizing all of us into the prophetic witness that our faith now calls us to.
I support UUSJ with my time and resources because I know that there is daunting work ahead of us as a faith community, but also that we can do more than we think we can—if we do it together. Now is the time for bold action, for showing up in solidarity with those who our systems have made vulnerable, and for demonstrating the true and beautiful colors of our love-centered faith.
I hope you will join me in supporting this critical piece of our Unitarian Universalist organizing ecosystem and ensuring that our presence is relentlessly felt in our nation’s capital in these momentous and precarious months and years ahead.