Did you know that less than 2% of girls who give birth before age 18 will go on to get a college degree by age 30? Generation Hope is a one of a kind program, started by a former teen mother who wanted to see other teen parents beat the odds, that aims to change those dismal statistics. Generation Hope removes barriers to educational attainment by matching teen parents attending college in the DC metro area with individuals, organizations, and local businesses (Sponsors) to participate in a mentoring relationship that includes emotional and financial support. We believe that education is the best promise for teen parents to achieve stable and successful futures and that consistent financial and emotional support increases the likelihood that they will graduate. Sponsors get to know their Scholar and their Scholar’s child very well through one-on-one mentoring as well as activities and trainings sponsored by Generation Hope. Demonstrating the power of a supportive adult, within their first semester 70% of our Scholars improved their GPAs. Ultimately, when teen mothers and fathers earn college degrees, their children are less likely to live in poverty, and our communities are strengthened. If you would like to become a part of this unique and rewarding direct support experience, please contact Program Manager Caroline Griswold at caroline(at)supportgenerationhope.org or 202-642-5649, or visit www.supportgenerationhope.org/become-a-gh-sponsor. We are also more than happy to present to any congregation or group in the DC metro area. Thank you!