Marilyn Clayton

Together, we can make a difference

My working life culminated in 15 years as an elementary ESL teacher in North Carolina. I befriended immigrant families from at least three continents and fell in love with their children, my students.

My concern for their well-being and that of all immigrants and refugees has only deepened as time passes. The refugee crisis will heighten due to the effects of the climate crisis. And all of our rights, citizen or not, are contingent on a functioning democracy.

I’ve done advocacy here and there for decades, but not until I became associated with UUSJ and the Poor People’s Campaign did I feel like, together, we could make a real difference. Those two organizations impress me with their expertise and heart-centered approach to righting the many interlocking injustices. Admittedly, it’s a slow slog forward in these tricky times, but I couldn’t ask for better company!

Marilyn Clayton