Before we let go of 2017, I’d like to thank to our growing number of volunteers who have been so active and passionate this year through witness and activism. (You know who you are!) And of course a special thanks goes to our donors who have made this work possible. Our strategic location in the Nation’s capital along with a rise in the number of UUs who are called to action on public policy issues makes our work ever more critical, as we amplify our UU voices and represent our denominational values to magnify our impact in these challenging times.
“Do you have to be an activist to be a UU?” That’s the question raised by an excellent and timely article in the Winter issue of UU World. Six UU leaders address the question, providing thoughtful but widely varying responses, some quite provocative.
As one writer sees it, “This faith requires something of us in return for being our theological home, and that requires that we get up, get out, and build the world we dream about. … if you aren’t called to act in, on and through our Principles, maybe you shouldn’t call yourself a Unitarian Universalist.”
Another observes that “There are many ways to express and live out the Principles and values we hold dear. Activism is certainly one of them but not everyone has to take to the street. We all have our gifts and not everyone is suited to this kind of work. And even those who are drawn to activism will often need times when they need to step back for quite reflection and restoration.”
So, whether you are newly called to activism, are a long-term and tireless activist, or someone who prefers to work behind the scenes to support activism, or are temporarily stepping back for reflection and restoration, we thank you for your support of UU Principles and values, and your work to realize the UUSJ mission. We look forward to the special challenges of 2018, and your continuing energy and enthusiasm to mobilize and amplify the voices and values of Unitarian Universalists as we seek to change the world through acts of love and justice.
Bob Denniston
UUSJ Board Chair