Some congregations may focus their voter registration and GOTV efforts on encouraging and helping historically low turnout voters in their state or other states.

Travel to Register Voters in Another State

There are groups that organize people to travel to another state to assist with voter registration and other tasks. Contact a local voter registration group in another state to see if you can help. Your local community partners may also be able to help in identifying these groups.

Use Online Tools to Register Out-of-State Voters and Encourage them to Vote

You can assist people to register to vote online or by mail (except for residents of New Hampshire and Wyoming) wherever you or they are. This is helpful for college students and others temporarily living in your state with a permanent address in another state.

You can also write to people in other states to encourage them to register and vote.

  • Vote Forward allows individuals anywhere to write and send letters, including voter registration materials, to people in historically low-turnout areas in key states. It can be used by groups or individuals with a computer and printer.

Some organizations have text banking software that can send text messages to selected groups of voters. This is an easy way to contact a large number of people in a short period of time.