Category: Commentary

Opinion Articles on Social Justice topics

“The Importance of Being ‘Prideful'” By Gerda and Allen Keiswetter, UU Church of Arlington, VA

Imagine thousands cheering because you love your child. We have been marching in the Capital Pride Parade since 2005 to celebrate our transgender son Asa. It is a spiritual high each year for us. The street crowd is amazing — LGBTQ people and straight people of all ages, singles and families, babies to grandparents of … Continue reading “The Importance of Being ‘Prideful’” By Gerda and Allen Keiswetter, UU Church of Arlington, VA

“Taking Note” by the Rev. Dr. Kate R. Walker, Mt. Vernon Unitarian Church

This is adapted from my February newsletter column looking at how to be in covenantal relationship in a time of strong emotions around the new President of the U.S. It is easy to assume Unitarian Universalists did not vote for Donald Trump. After all, UU progressive values: immigration issues, equality for GLBTQAI, women’s rights, diversity … Continue reading “Taking Note” by the Rev. Dr. Kate R. Walker, Mt. Vernon Unitarian Church

What Is The Matter With Inequality? by Adam Wasserman UU Congregation Fairfax

This is an edited version of a guest sermon delivered at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Montgomery, Alabama, on March 1, 2015. F. Scott Fitzgerald, the great novelist, is probably our country’s most acute observer of the rich. You may have heard one of his frequently quoted statements–“the very rich are different from you and … Continue reading What Is The Matter With Inequality? by Adam Wasserman UU Congregation Fairfax

The Right to be Free From Guns By John Johnson, Mount Vernon Unitarian Church, Alexandria, VA

Gun violence is a serious problem in the United States. And it is not just mass shootings. On average 92 Americans die from gunshot wounds each day in gun suicides (57), gun homicides (33), and unintentional shootings (2). The number of Americans killed each day by firearms is greater than the number of victims (49) … Continue reading The Right to be Free From Guns By John Johnson, Mount Vernon Unitarian Church, Alexandria, VA

Economic Inequality and UU Principles By Gene Mulligan, UU Church of Arlington

Much of the impetus for the Trump and Sanders campaigns is said to stem from voters who are angry about their declining economic circumstances. Income and wealth inequality are growing in our country. What should be done about it? French economist Thomas Piketty writes that the tendency for wealth to accumulate in fewer and fewer … Continue reading Economic Inequality and UU Principles By Gene Mulligan, UU Church of Arlington

All Houses Matter By Walter Ellis, Cedar Lane UU Church of Bethesda, MD

Walter Ellis received a 2015 UUSJ Emerging Leader Award at the UUSJ Social Justice Awards Gala last fall. His full remarks are below: Since I only have a few minutes, I figured I’d share an image with you I’ve cribbed from the internet. It’s a sketch that I’ve grown quite fond of. It shows two houses, one … Continue reading All Houses Matter By Walter Ellis, Cedar Lane UU Church of Bethesda, MD

An Interfaith Effort With Our Muslim Neighbors By Marc DeFrancis, UU Church of Arlington, VA

It was a blessedly sunny Saturday afternoon in early December, and there in Falls Church, Virginia, more than a hundred of us–Muslims and Catholics and Protestants and Jews and UUs–had converged on the Dar al Hijrah Islamic Center to help pack the thousands of blankets and coats the mosque’s members had been collecting for months … Continue reading An Interfaith Effort With Our Muslim Neighbors By Marc DeFrancis, UU Church of Arlington, VA

Will You Join Me to Take Action to Reduce Gun Violence? By Bill Alsmeyer-Johnson, UUSJ Secretary & member of Mt. Vernon Unitarian Church

My wife and I were in Budapest four years ago and one evening we were on Castle Hill, a culturally and historically significant place in Budapest. It was late evening and we had missed the bus to the train station so we decided to walk the under a mile distance. We passed a modern building … Continue reading Will You Join Me to Take Action to Reduce Gun Violence? By Bill Alsmeyer-Johnson, UUSJ Secretary & member of Mt. Vernon Unitarian Church