Author: Pablo DeJesus

Advocacy For Climate Justice Is Urgent! by Pablo DeJesus

Have you heard the latest news about our changing climate?   A 2019 annual report released by the United Nations tells us that “Greenhouse gas emissions have steadily risen for the last decade, despite the current and future threat posed by climate change.” It goes on to compare the current state of world economies vs. how … Continue reading Advocacy For Climate Justice Is Urgent! by Pablo DeJesus

Pat Behenna on Amplifying Voices at the Margins (Why I Witness with UUSJ)

“Show me what Democracy looks like. This is what Democracy looks like.”  This chant is often heard in nationwide protest rallies. I love it! It affirms that we Americans have freedom of speech, freedom to assemble and the right to urge our government to make changes. It also affirms our Unitarian Universalist principles of the … Continue reading Pat Behenna on Amplifying Voices at the Margins (Why I Witness with UUSJ)

Approaching a Pivotal Election Year! by Bob Denniston, Board Chair

As we approach the pivotal election year of 2020, Unitarian Universalist Association President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray reminds us, “This is no time for a casual faith.” But it is a time for deep commitment to our UU values. To many, it seems that our democracy is far more vulnerable than we once thought.  The deep … Continue reading Approaching a Pivotal Election Year! by Bob Denniston, Board Chair

Gary Magnuson on the Need for an Unremitting UU Presence in Washington, DC (Why I believe in the role and potential of UUSJ…)

It has been my honor to represent two Unitarian Universalist congregations on the Board of Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice (UUSJ).  Why? Because I believe in the role and potential of UUSJ.   Like many of you, I belonged to a different religion prior to becoming a Unitarian Universalist.  I was Lutheran for many years, but … Continue reading Gary Magnuson on the Need for an Unremitting UU Presence in Washington, DC (Why I believe in the role and potential of UUSJ…)

Doris Marlin on Raising Our UU Values and Voices in the Nation’s Capital (Why I Participate With UUSJ)

This Unitarian Universalist journey of mine has taken me to many places.  I have voiced my UU values at Fort Benning, Ga. at the School of the America’s Watch, joining with thousands holding crosses and calling out the names of the disappeared.  I stood with the International Faith contingent in Morocco declaring “We Are Still … Continue reading Doris Marlin on Raising Our UU Values and Voices in the Nation’s Capital (Why I Participate With UUSJ)

Bob McCarthy on A Most Memorable Advocacy Corps Visit (Why I Engage on Federal Policy)

Three years ago, I realized that I needed to do more than bemoan the 2016 presidential election results and started looking for opportunities. I first became aware of the Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice (UUSJ) Capitol Hill Advocacy Corps and its efforts to deliver the UU vision to federal lawmakers from Adam Wasserman, a member … Continue reading Bob McCarthy on A Most Memorable Advocacy Corps Visit (Why I Engage on Federal Policy)

Rev. John Saxon on You Can Run (or Walk), But You Can’t Hide

I recently returned from walking for 18 days and 275 miles through the mountains of northeastern Portugal and northwestern Spain—my third time walking the Camino de Santiago (a network of ancient Christian pilgrimage routes in Europe and Spain). For me, walking the Camino was a precious opportunity to leave the busy-ness of my day-to-day life … Continue reading Rev. John Saxon on You Can Run (or Walk), But You Can’t Hide

David Strauss on I Never Saw UUs on Capitol Hill Until… (Why I support UUSJ’s Federal Advocacy)

One way I promote and live out my Unitarian Universalist values in the world is by being a part of the Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice (UUSJ). I got to know UUSJ some 15 years ago when one of the members of my congregation received an award for its social justice work. Later, I participated … Continue reading David Strauss on I Never Saw UUs on Capitol Hill Until… (Why I support UUSJ’s Federal Advocacy)

In Thanks and Gratitude for a Loud Unified UU voice (Why I Cherish Working for UUSJ)

This year, this Thanksgiving, I am thankful for my right to engage in values based advocacy and for the opportunity to educate and mobilize UUs toward a more just democracy. I feel blessed to work providing UU Advocacy in the Nation’s Capital.  Conflicted as I am about the historical underpinning of this holiday, I am deeply, sincerely, … Continue reading In Thanks and Gratitude for a Loud Unified UU voice (Why I Cherish Working for UUSJ)