Author: Fred Van Deusen

8d. Run For Office

You don’t have to be the U.S. President to make a difference. In fact, there are more than 500,000 elected offices in the U.S, each of which has a role to play in shaping their community. Resources: How to run for office – npr by Miles Parks, Chloee Weiner Run for Something endorsed 416 candidates … Continue reading 8d. Run For Office

Sample Narrative: A Country Based on American Values

Sample Narrative We Americans value our freedoms, our way of life, our democracy. Based on the words that the anti-democracy folks are saying, it appears they want to turn the United States into an authoritarian country. A recent article in the Atlantic contains fifteen examples of what the former president has said that demonstrates what … Continue reading Sample Narrative: A Country Based on American Values

Our Country Needs Our Words and Values More Than Ever

Our democracy is in danger; our country is at a crossroads. Those who support democracy, whether Independent, Republican, or Democrat, must speak out powerfully.  We must educate ourselves and others, including our family and friends. We must contest the errors and misrepresentations in the media. Above all, we must identify people who support our democracy … Continue reading Our Country Needs Our Words and Values More Than Ever

Midterm Takeaways

Midterm Takeaways from UUSJ Democracy Action Team Convener, Fred Van Deusen [Editor’s Note: An earlier version of this commentary was published online last month in Medium] The very good news from the recent midterm elections is that our democracy survived to fight another day. No significant disruptions occurred to voting around the country, and no … Continue reading Midterm Takeaways

What’s Next For Voting Rights 

The Democracy Action Team (DAT) is focusing on reforming the Electoral Count Act,  after the disappointing Senate filibuster of the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. One measure under consideration – the  Electoral Count Modernization Act – does have bipartisan support.  It would update and clarify the current 1887-passed law that governs the casting and counting … Continue reading What’s Next For Voting Rights 

Voter Rights Advocacy Highlights

Despite this setback for the John L. Lewis Act, there are some important takeaways from  UUSJ’s Democracy Action Team’s collaboration with many national groups pushing for passage of this important legislation The coordinated and collaborative work included hundreds of groups, all with the same goal. It was an important milestone for the broader democracy movement … Continue reading Voter Rights Advocacy Highlights