Author: admin

UUSJ Capitol Hill Advocacy Corps Information Sessions

updated February 23, 2019 We offer periodic information session on the UUSJ Capitol Hill Advocacy Corps. See information below for the next scheduled sessions. Our Advocacy Corps makes regular visits to Members of Congress and their staff on the second Tuesday of the month at 9:30am-12:30pm on priority issues of immigration, environmental and climate justice, … Continue reading UUSJ Capitol Hill Advocacy Corps Information Sessions

Elisabeth Geschiere on “Why I Believe Nonviolent Direct Action* is Imperative”

I was listening to a 2015 speech by former California congress member and former Oakland mayor Ron Dellums, who died recently of cancer, called “Vietnam: The Power of Protest.” He shared how young people have asked him about the difference between his generation–the generation of the Black Civil Rights movement and the Vietnam War protests–and … Continue reading Elisabeth Geschiere on “Why I Believe Nonviolent Direct Action* is Imperative”

Rev. Tanner on “I Was A Wearied Kind of Ready: Lessons from Poor People’s Campaign”

Sitting in the hot tent I could feel the damp air rising from the ground while I held my two-week old baby.  I found myself in an unintentional sauna in DC. Just two hours before, 25,000 people gathered across the National Mall for the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival (PPC: NCMR). … Continue reading Rev. Tanner on “I Was A Wearied Kind of Ready: Lessons from Poor People’s Campaign”

Rev. Koteen on “Discovering the Roots of Injustice: How Political and Economic Inequity Are Foundational to All Oppressions”

There are many versions of the Grail legend. In one of them, Percival, the original Grail knight, sees the Grail when he is an adolescent. However, he fails to ask the critical question: Who does the Grail serve? He does not ask because his parents have taught him that it is impolite to ask questions. … Continue reading Rev. Koteen on “Discovering the Roots of Injustice: How Political and Economic Inequity Are Foundational to All Oppressions”

#FamiliesBelongTogether – Stop Detaining Children and Families

Action Alert: Urge Senators to stop family separation and detention   On June 30, we marched. Now we must take the next step and act. #FamiliesBelongTogether has become a rallying cry against forcible family separation and President Trump’s “zero-tolerance” immigration policy. Members of Congress need to continue to hear that detaining families together is not a … Continue reading #FamiliesBelongTogether – Stop Detaining Children and Families

SNAP Helps 40M from Being Hungry

Urge Senators to support and strengthen SNAP (updated June 8, 2018 11pm) On June 12, the UUSJ Capitol Hill Advocacy Corps will go to the Senate to urge support of SNAP (formerly Food Stamp program). The Senate Agriculture Committee released its version of the 2018 Farm Bill – the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 – … Continue reading SNAP Helps 40M from Being Hungry

Local UU Action to Support SNAP

Right now – if you are from Kansas, Michigan or North Dakota, your UU advocacy voice and witness are especially needed to help keep hunger at bay for 40 million children, and elderly and disabled adults. Your Senators play important roles as the 2018 Farm Bill is being considered. Changes to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance … Continue reading Local UU Action to Support SNAP