Author: admin

I feel like I am helping make a small difference in progress on a difficult social justice problem

Sean McCarthy, Immigration Task Group, UUSJ Board Member, UU Congregation of Rockville   I retired in early 2014. I’d had a career in corporate law, but I now wanted to do something that would be of greater benefit to society. When my local bar association put out a call for volunteers to help unaccompanied children … Continue reading I feel like I am helping make a small difference in progress on a difficult social justice problem

Reflections on 2020 from Fred Van Deusen, Convener, Defending Our Democracy

Although much has occurred in the past three weeks and there are ongoing issues, it’s worth celebrating some important democracy successes. More people voted in the 2020 elections than have ever voted before. This was the direct result of tireless efforts by many, many different and diverse groups around the country, including UU churches and … Continue reading Reflections on 2020 from Fred Van Deusen, Convener, Defending Our Democracy

Finding Out That Our UU Voices Matter on Capitol Hill

David Shilton, Arlington Unitarian Universalist Church I was intrigued one day after services at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington to see people writing letters at tables with big UUSJ signs. Closer inspection revealed that the letters were personal statements about the importance of preventing proposed cuts to the SNAP nutrition program. Putting aside concerns … Continue reading Finding Out That Our UU Voices Matter on Capitol Hill

Jula Kinnaird on Envisioning a Just World (Why I Commit to UUSJ)

I am inspired by the vision of a just world. It is a world that embraces and perpetuates Unitarian Universalist Principles of dignity, democracy, justice, and interconnectedness. I committed to volunteering for the Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice Advocacy Corps to be a part of making this vision a reality. The year 2016 marked a … Continue reading Jula Kinnaird on Envisioning a Just World (Why I Commit to UUSJ)

Kelly Perry on What side of history do I want to be on (Why I put my faith into action with UUSJ)

We asked, why UUSJ? I am overwhelmed with racial injustice, the climate crisis, and pandemic fear. I ask myself on what side of history do I want to be on? What do I want to stand for? I put my faith into action with Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice (UUSJ). Ysaye Maria Barnwell wrote, “we are … Continue reading Kelly Perry on What side of history do I want to be on (Why I put my faith into action with UUSJ)


Since we are working virtually this year, we can see measurable results after every action: new voters registered, clicks on our voter information website, mail ballots applied for, commitments to vote. UUs nationwide have made 1.3 million voter contacts this year!  We’ve also harnessed the people power in our congregations: we have active electoral organizations … Continue reading Vote2020

Lies our textbooks told my generation of Virginians about slavery

By Bennett Minton   A series of textbooks written for the fourth, seventh, and 11th grades taught a generation of Virginians our state’s history. Chapter 29 of the seventh-grade edition, titled “How the Negroes Lived Under Slavery,” included these sentences: “A feeling of strong affection existed between masters and slaves in a majority of Virginia homes.” … Continue reading Lies our textbooks told my generation of Virginians about slavery