Amnesty International Toolkit for Federal DREAM Act Activists
This piece expresses the need for job creation and sustainability in Baltimore, and how those goals can be accomplished.
I am sharing this from Aly Martori at “ioby” — a new web platform that makes it easy to raise donations for specific environmental projects. This might be appealing for some of your congregational initiatives.
Hal Fuller is a member of the UU Congregation of Fairfax, Virginia. He is a founder and co-chair of “UUs for Social Justice in the National Capital Region” Hal recently facilitated and participated in “Building the World We Dream About,” a Unitarian Universalist Association program offered at UUCF that “seeks to interrupt the workings of racism and transform how people from different racial/ethnic groups understand and relate to one another.”
*Your congregation could be eligible for a grant (of up to $1,000) to finance green grounds projects at your congregation, and will receive technical support and training for your volunteers and staff from NWF experts.
PHOENIX — Several thousand critics of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio gathered outside “Tent City” Saturday night for a rally calling for the closure of the sheriff’s complex of canvas jail tents.
Pictures of UUs at 2012 Capital Pride Parade
The UUA and the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee are teaming up for a once-in-a-lifetime trip to connect with social justice leaders on the ground in Africa!