Author: admin

David Strauss of the UU Congregation of Rockville On the President’s Executive Action on Immigration

The new program the President launched (called DAPA) will permit undocumented persons who have lived here continuously for over five years, have at least one child who is a citizen or lawful permanent resident, are willing to pay a fee and any back taxes they owe, and have lived within the law (no serious criminal record) to apply for a three-year deferral from deportation.

Rev. Kate Walker of Mt. Vernon Unitarian Churcn on Same-Sex Marriage in Virginia

My experience with same-gender couples has been filled with awe at the courage and dedication of these couples have demonstrated. The amount of social pressure they often endure creates subtle and sometimes overt psychological tension that heterosexual friends and family are often clueless about. For this pressure they endure, I am both in awe and … Continue reading Rev. Kate Walker of Mt. Vernon Unitarian Churcn on Same-Sex Marriage in Virginia

Rev. Amanda Poppei of the Washington Ethical Society to Her Congregation

  November 25, 2014 This morning, I remain grieved. I am grieved by the violence overnight in Ferguson–including the tear-gassing of a space designated as sanctuary, as reported by Ethical Culture Leader in Training James Croft. I am grateful no lives were lost. And I am keenly aware of Martin Luther King Jr.’s words, “Violent … Continue reading Rev. Amanda Poppei of the Washington Ethical Society to Her Congregation

UU Service Committee and UUA Have a Petition to Oppose Detroit Water Shut Offs

UUSC and the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) are petitioning Mayor Michael Duggan, DWSD Director Sue McCormick, and Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr to restore water to most vulnerable households and to stop further shutoffs to vulnerable households. Help us send a strong message to Detroit’s emergency manager and water utility director. Help stop mass shutoffs and protect residents of this great American city. Help defend the human right to water.

Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming Symposium

Saturday, September 26, 10:00am-5:00pm
University of the District of Columbia, (UDC)
A. Clarke School of Law, 4340 Connecticut Ave, NW, Washington, DC
Hosted by Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
This Symposium, is designed for those who have been inspired by the Papal Encyclical, Laudato Si’ On the Care for Our Common Home and the Climate Crisis are asking “What can I do now?

Day of Service – October 3, Baltimore, MD

Saturday, October 3, 8:00am-1:00pm
Registration Deadline September 1
Baltimore, MD
Civic Works, which has been an invaluable partner in First Unitarian’s work at DaySpring Gardens, is sponsoring a Day of Service.

Friends Committee on National Legislation Advocacy Training and Lobby Day – November 12, 13, Washington, DC

Thursday, November 12, 8:00am – Friday, November 13, 3:30pm
Washington Court Hotel
525 New Jersey Ave NW, Washington, DC 20001

This November, FCNL will be asking Congress to prevent violence before it starts. The U.S. too often waits until war or atrocities begin, and then it only provides military solutions. But it doesn’t have to be that way. We believe that by paying attention to warning signs, the international community can respond before deadly conflict erupts.

Artists Showcase Concert Supports Youth Center – October 3, UU Congregation of Columbia, MD

Saturday, October 3, 7:00pm
UU Congregation of Columbia
7246 Cradelrock Way
Columbia, MD 21045
Join the congregation for the first ever Artists Showcase Concert co-sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia’s Social Action Council and Music Ministry. The concert supports Penn North’s new youth center in Baltimore City, a safe place for youth to play, study, and hang out.

Gender Conference – November 13 and 14, Timonium, MD

November 13 & 14, 2015 in Baltimore
North Baltimore Plaza Hotel, Timonium, MD
Friday, November 13: Professional Symposium
Workshops, discussions and networking for education, medical, mental health and social service professionals.

Saturday, November 14: Family Day
Workshops for parents and caregivers; full programs for youth: teen workshops, tween programming and a kids’ camp.