Author: admin

350 Loudoun Divestment Campaigns

350 Loudoun launched several divestment campaigns on February 14, Global Divestment Day. The petition seeks to bring the divestment movement to the VA General Assembly. The Virginia Retirement System (VRS) manages 67 billion dollars and approximately 820 employers participate in the system, including state agencies, public colleges and universities, local public school divisions and political subdivisions that have elected to participate.

Rev. Madelyn Campbell of Davies Memorial UU Church – Water From A Stone – Do we still need to learn that we cannot deny this basic right of survival to people?

This past July I visited Siem Reap in the Mekong Delta of Cambodia. There was no potable water anywhere – all drinking water came from bottles. All water taps had warnings on them not to drink the water. I visited a floating village on Tonle Sap, a huge lake in the region, and saw rain … Continue reading Rev. Madelyn Campbell of Davies Memorial UU Church – Water From A Stone – Do we still need to learn that we cannot deny this basic right of survival to people?

Sign the UU Service Committee’s Petition to End the Jailing of Refugee Children

Jail is no place for children.

Yet hundreds of refugee children and their mothers are currently being imprisoned in for-profit detention camps, which are essentially jails, in the Southwestern United States. This is a violation of their basic dignity and human rights. Join us in calling on President Obama to release these imprisoned children.

David Strauss of the UU Congregation of Rockville On the President’s Executive Action on Immigration

The new program the President launched (called DAPA) will permit undocumented persons who have lived here continuously for over five years, have at least one child who is a citizen or lawful permanent resident, are willing to pay a fee and any back taxes they owe, and have lived within the law (no serious criminal record) to apply for a three-year deferral from deportation.

Rev. Kate Walker of Mt. Vernon Unitarian Churcn on Same-Sex Marriage in Virginia

My experience with same-gender couples has been filled with awe at the courage and dedication of these couples have demonstrated. The amount of social pressure they often endure creates subtle and sometimes overt psychological tension that heterosexual friends and family are often clueless about. For this pressure they endure, I am both in awe and … Continue reading Rev. Kate Walker of Mt. Vernon Unitarian Churcn on Same-Sex Marriage in Virginia

Rev. Amanda Poppei of the Washington Ethical Society to Her Congregation

  November 25, 2014 This morning, I remain grieved. I am grieved by the violence overnight in Ferguson–including the tear-gassing of a space designated as sanctuary, as reported by Ethical Culture Leader in Training James Croft. I am grateful no lives were lost. And I am keenly aware of Martin Luther King Jr.’s words, “Violent … Continue reading Rev. Amanda Poppei of the Washington Ethical Society to Her Congregation

UU Service Committee and UUA Have a Petition to Oppose Detroit Water Shut Offs

UUSC and the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) are petitioning Mayor Michael Duggan, DWSD Director Sue McCormick, and Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr to restore water to most vulnerable households and to stop further shutoffs to vulnerable households. Help us send a strong message to Detroit’s emergency manager and water utility director. Help stop mass shutoffs and protect residents of this great American city. Help defend the human right to water.

Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming Symposium

Saturday, September 26, 10:00am-5:00pm
University of the District of Columbia, (UDC)
A. Clarke School of Law, 4340 Connecticut Ave, NW, Washington, DC
Hosted by Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
This Symposium, is designed for those who have been inspired by the Papal Encyclical, Laudato Si’ On the Care for Our Common Home and the Climate Crisis are asking “What can I do now?