Author: admin

UUSJ Convenes Briefing on Congregational Study Action Issues

Sean Barnett, formerly of Move to Amend, explained the efforts to overturn the Supreme Court’s decision on Citizens United and to get money out of politics, at Bring It Home to Your Congregation: UUA Congregational Study Action Issues (CSAI) Briefing on Dec. 3. Attended by 26 persons representing many of the UU congregations in the … Continue reading UUSJ Convenes Briefing on Congregational Study Action Issues

UUs Involved in #NoDAPL

At Standing Rock… Terry Steichen of UU Congregation of Fairfax is visiting family in Bismarck, North Dakota, and will provide updates about what’s going on at Standing Rock via his blog. Check periodically for updates. In the meantime, he has compiled a list of trustworthy references for information about developments at Standing Rock. Green Souls … Continue reading UUs Involved in #NoDAPL

What Is The Matter With Inequality? by Adam Wasserman UU Congregation Fairfax

This is an edited version of a guest sermon delivered at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Montgomery, Alabama, on March 1, 2015. F. Scott Fitzgerald, the great novelist, is probably our country’s most acute observer of the rich. You may have heard one of his frequently quoted statements–“the very rich are different from you and … Continue reading What Is The Matter With Inequality? by Adam Wasserman UU Congregation Fairfax

UUSJ Capitol Hill Visit: Immigration Detention Bed Mandate

Members of the UUSJ Immigration Task Group met with staff of Rep. Ted Deutch, Florida 21st District on November 15. Rep. Deutch is a strong supporter of the elimination of the “Immigration Detention Bed Mandate.” The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has a 2009 statutory mandated quota to hold at least 34,000 individuals in … Continue reading UUSJ Capitol Hill Visit: Immigration Detention Bed Mandate

UUSJ Fall Cider Fest

Thank you for celebrating with UUSJ at the Fall Cider Fest! Over 80 members, supporters, and friends came out for our Fall Cider Fest on Sunday, October 31 at the UU Church of Arlington. Attendees enjoyed live music by the All Souls Bluegrass Band and connected with social justice friends over delicious cider, beer, and … Continue reading UUSJ Fall Cider Fest

 Event  “New Congress: New Opportunities For Social Justice” (Reception and fundraiser for UUSJ) – 12/02 REGISTER TODAY – 12/12, 8pm – Advocacy Corps information session (via Zoom) NEW Write Here! Write Now! on Criminal Justice Reform (Senate) Get the Write Here! Write Now! Tool Kit