Author: admin

Recording: Q&A with UU COP 22 Observers

Watch a video recording to a Commit2Respond call with the UU COP22 observers about their time in Marrakesh, Morocco. Please share the recordings with your climate action teams, to catalyze further dialogue.

Happy Holidays from UUSJ!

May you feel grounded, renewed, and connected to something beyond yourself this season as we continue to work together towards justice in the New Year! While a single voice cannot fill the darkness, when we join together and mobilize to take a stand, bear witness, and advocate together, we can become the change we want … Continue reading Happy Holidays from UUSJ!

Small But Mighty: UUSJ Voter Mobilization Proves Itself

This past election, UUSJ broke new ground with the only UU multi-state voter mobilization effort in the nation. The initiative was grounded in our UU faith and the Fifth Principle, which supports the democratic process in our lives. In so doing, we met several strategic goals: we increased opportunities for collective UU action, we improved … Continue reading Small But Mighty: UUSJ Voter Mobilization Proves Itself

Sanctuary Movement in the Trump Era: New Strategy and Tactics in the Post-Election Reality

The new Administration has pledged to criminalize, detain and deport undocumented people at new levels that will tear families and communities apart. New initiatives and resources to resist any harmful and unjust policy proposals that further undermine due process and lead to racial profiling and discrimination are being planned, including Sanctuary in the Streets and … Continue reading Sanctuary Movement in the Trump Era: New Strategy and Tactics in the Post-Election Reality

UUSJ Hosts “Escalating Inequality” Expert and Author Chuck Collins

Anna Rhee captures ideas on a flip chart from the UUSJ discussion with Chuck Collins at the UU Church of Arlington. UU and noted expert Chuck Collins urged a “holding action” to avoid economic setbacks that would harm the most vulnerable, while pushing for policies such as a minimum wage increase that would help reduce … Continue reading UUSJ Hosts “Escalating Inequality” Expert and Author Chuck Collins

Mount Vernon UUs Host UUSJ Advocacy Training Workshop

Workshop participants teamed up to discuss the most effective ways to reach elected officials. With growing interest of many UUs to increase their influence on public policy, Mount Vernon Unitarian Church hosted a 3-hour Advocacy Training Workshop on December 10. The 17 participants learned how to become more effective advocates through discussions and role-playing, with … Continue reading Mount Vernon UUs Host UUSJ Advocacy Training Workshop

UUSJ Immigration Task Group Members Discuss “Mandatory Bed Quotas” on Capitol Hill

In the latest of a series of meetings on Capitol Hill, five members of the Task Group met with staffer Samantha Price of Rep. Delaney’s (D-MD 6th District) office on December 7. The primary purpose of the visit was to confirm the Representative’s continued opposition to the statutory quota that the U.S. Immigration and Customs … Continue reading UUSJ Immigration Task Group Members Discuss “Mandatory Bed Quotas” on Capitol Hill

UUSJ Convenes Briefing on Congregational Study Action Issues

Sean Barnett, formerly of Move to Amend, explained the efforts to overturn the Supreme Court’s decision on Citizens United and to get money out of politics, at Bring It Home to Your Congregation: UUA Congregational Study Action Issues (CSAI) Briefing on Dec. 3. Attended by 26 persons representing many of the UU congregations in the … Continue reading UUSJ Convenes Briefing on Congregational Study Action Issues