Author: admin

“The Importance of Being ‘Prideful'” By Gerda and Allen Keiswetter, UU Church of Arlington, VA

Imagine thousands cheering because you love your child. We have been marching in the Capital Pride Parade since 2005 to celebrate our transgender son Asa. It is a spiritual high each year for us. The street crowd is amazing — LGBTQ people and straight people of all ages, singles and families, babies to grandparents of … Continue reading “The Importance of Being ‘Prideful’” By Gerda and Allen Keiswetter, UU Church of Arlington, VA

UUSJ Signs Request to Extend Temporary Protected Status for Haiti

UUSJ signed onto a letter requesting extension of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Haiti. We were invited by Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC) and Interfaith Immigration allies, to join the UUA’s Youth and Young Adults of Color Ministry, the UU College of Social Justice, and several more UU Ministers and social justice Lay Leaders. … Continue reading UUSJ Signs Request to Extend Temporary Protected Status for Haiti

Discernment at Cedar Lane UU: Vote on Physical Sanctuary Congregation

On Sunday, May 21, Cedar Lane UU, like many UU congregations in this area, will be voting on whether or not to move forward in hosting a Syrian refugee family. If your congregation is becoming a Sanctuary congregation by hosting a refugee family, contact UUSJ at; we’d love to celebrate the discernment process with … Continue reading Discernment at Cedar Lane UU: Vote on Physical Sanctuary Congregation

UUSJ Signs Onto Arbitrary Detention of Asylum Seekers Letter

UUSJ signed onto a draft letter expressing concern for Arbitrary Detention of Asylum Seekers. Following our work to support civilian access to detention centers and the Bed Mandate, UUSJ was invited by Community Initiatives for Visiting Immigrants in Confinement (CIVIC) to join the UU Association, UU Service Committee, and others allied with the national immigration … Continue reading UUSJ Signs Onto Arbitrary Detention of Asylum Seekers Letter

Protect the Chesapeake Bay – Join UUSJ’s Local Write Here! Write Now! Letter Writing Campaign

In addition to our national letter writing campaign defending the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), UUSJ is collecting and delivering letters in support of a local effort to protect our estuary region and the impacts on our Chesapeake Bay. Please use our sample letter and talking points to help … Continue reading Protect the Chesapeake Bay – Join UUSJ’s Local Write Here! Write Now! Letter Writing Campaign

May Day Marches for Immigrant & Workers

On May 1, CASA and the Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations organized local participation in nationwide marches. Participants—starting at the Arlington Courthouse Plaza and DuPont Circle—converged on the White House in support of immigrants and workers and to protest the harsh anti-immigrant rhetoric and cruel immigration policies of the Administration. If you attended the march, please … Continue reading May Day Marches for Immigrant & Workers

Success at the “Reversing Inequality—Healthcare Justice is a UU Value” Conference

From left: Pablo DeJesus, UUSJ Executive Director, Congressman Ami Bera (CA-7), and Rachel Bennett Steury, UUJEC   Over 60 UUs from 16 states attended the conference, hosted by UUSJ and the UUs for a Just Economic Community, and took part in advocating with members of Congress on the implications of inequality decisions about our healthcare … Continue reading Success at the “Reversing Inequality—Healthcare Justice is a UU Value” Conference

Family Advocates Joined UUSJ Advocacy Corps on the Hill

Family advocates and the UUSJ Advocacy Corps visited US Senate offices on April 11 to discuss healthcare reform, specifically Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program, which together cover one in three American children. Twelve Advocacy Corps members from six congregations, and Rev. Archene Turner and families from Cedar Lane UUC, visited 50 Senate offices … Continue reading Family Advocates Joined UUSJ Advocacy Corps on the Hill