Author: admin

Stay alert as Senators look for ways to act on healthcare!

Update: Link to the Hill for current status of healthcare vote. Since the May 4 passage of the House healthcare bill, all efforts have been focused on the Senate, urging moderation. Instead, Senate Majority Leader McConnell chose to deepen the (partisan) divide by deciding the Senate healthcare bill is budget-related, allowing it to be considered … Continue reading Stay alert as Senators look for ways to act on healthcare!

Recap: UUSJ Green Activists – Environment and Climate Justice Task Force Meeting

On June 17 the UUSJ Green Activists – Environment and Climate Justice Task Force met at Silver Spring. Topics covered included: Report out from Attendees, Particular Focus areas from the churches, Action items for the Summer and Fall, and Next Steps. Attendees said that they were in a planning mode regarding climate change actions post … Continue reading Recap: UUSJ Green Activists – Environment and Climate Justice Task Force Meeting

Statement of Conscience on Escalating Economic Inequity

At this year’s General Assembly, the Statement of Conscience on Escalating Economic Inequity was passed. UUSJ’s Escalating Inequality Task Group will be reviewing the new statement closely for application to UUSJ’s work. For further information or to join the Task Group, please contact Adam Wasserman at

UUSJ Board Election Results for July 2017 – June 2018

The Board held elections during its Saturday, June 3 meeting. Bob Denniston of Arlington was elected Board Chair as John Gubbings steps away from that role. Martha Ades of Fairfax was elected Secretary as Bill Alsmeyer-Johnson steps away from that role. The Vice Chair slot remains open. The Treasurer position is held under temporary appointment … Continue reading UUSJ Board Election Results for July 2017 – June 2018

UUSJ’s Immigration Task Group takes positions on immigration-related bills

UUSJ signed onto a letter asking Senators to co-sponsor the Agricultural Worker Program Act of 2017, at the invitation of Farmworker Justice. The bill provides a one-time opportunity for experienced agricultural workers to apply for legal status. The bill is framed as a bridge until comprehensive reform can be enacted, and will provided needed legal … Continue reading UUSJ’s Immigration Task Group takes positions on immigration-related bills

Intersectionalities of Climate Change and Human Vulnerability

Coming off Earth Month (April), the People’s Climate March, and UU participation therein UUSJ volunteers seek to deepen collaborations with ally organizations and link climate change to key human vulnerability themes such as gender inequality, access to water, food security, hunger and to conflict (both domestic and international). If you have expertise on related intersectionalities … Continue reading Intersectionalities of Climate Change and Human Vulnerability