Author: admin

Say No to Fake Tax Reform

Updated as of January, 9, 2018 A bill has been passed. Check back for updates. Page Contents (click on a title to go to that section): Action Needed NOW: What You Can Do What You Should Know Our UU Spiritual Grounding Resources and Relevant News Media Coverage Links Action Needed NOW: What You Can Do … Continue reading Say No to Fake Tax Reform

Write Here! Write Now! Instructions for Sending Your Letters to UUSJ

Instructions on sending your handwritten letters to us: Email us with your intent to send (via mail or scanned) to Send by express or overnight delivery to arrive by noon on November 13. Or scan letters to Lavona Grow UUSJ/WHWN 2308 N. Buchanan St. Arlington, VA 22207

DREAM Act – Action Needed NOW Senate May Consider Legislation Week of February 12

Updated as of February, 2, 2018 On November 14, 20 members of the UUSJ Advocacy Corps met with staff in eight Senate offices to urge immediate passage of a clean Dream Act. Overall, 60 offices were visited. Around 400 personal letters to Senators from UU constituents were delivered to 16 offices and all received a packet … Continue reading DREAM Act – Action Needed NOW Senate May Consider Legislation Week of February 12

In memorium: Hal Fuller

Our friend and colleague Hal Fuller died on September 26. Here’s a message from Lavona Grow, who served with Hal as UUSJ co-chairs. We just learned that Hal passed away after collapsing at his home in Fairfax. He recently returned to his Virginia home after his annual stay at his home in New Mexico. Hal … Continue reading In memorium: Hal Fuller

UUSJ Gives Thumbs Up to Senators Collins, Cardin, and Others

UUSJ’s Advocacy Corps gave a “thumbs up” to MD Senator Ben Cardin on Sept. 26 for his stance on healthcare legislation. The Advocacy Corps delivered letters expressing UUSJ concerns on pending healthcare legislation, urging bipartisan collaboration for accessible, affordable, and quality healthcare, to 33 senators’ offices, including Senators Susan Collins, Lisa Murkoswki, and John McCain. … Continue reading UUSJ Gives Thumbs Up to Senators Collins, Cardin, and Others

UUSJ Signs-on in Opposition to Graham–Cassidy, to help defend ACA and Medicaid

“As UUs we believe all Americans deserve healthcare that is centered on care, compassion and efficacy, a system of care in service to our common humanity.  To accomplish that goal our deliberative bodies should act in bipartisan fashion to support stability in the marketplace, to retain innovative practices, and to pursue affordability.  Rather than repealing … Continue reading UUSJ Signs-on in Opposition to Graham–Cassidy, to help defend ACA and Medicaid

Affordable Care Act (ACA) STILL Under Threat from the Senate – Immediate Action Needed

A proposal to repeal and replace the ACA (a.k.a. Obamacare) is moving quickly through the Senate. If passed, it would be a disaster for millions of Americans.  We believe our nation’s leaders have a moral obligation to work in a bipartisan and transparent manner to develop a national healthcare system that is affordable, accessible to … Continue reading Affordable Care Act (ACA) STILL Under Threat from the Senate – Immediate Action Needed

UUSJ Joins Groups Supporting DREAMERS – September 3rd

UUSJ has joined with the National Korean American Service and Education Consortium and other organizations, including the UU Association and UU Service Committee, to support a 22-day DREAM vigil in front of the White House to defend the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and Temporary Protective Status designation. On September 3, UUs will … Continue reading UUSJ Joins Groups Supporting DREAMERS – September 3rd

UUSJ Continues Support of TPS

UUSJ continued its support of Temporary Protected Status (TPS), as a core American and faith value put into action via policy. The policy affords 300,000 people temporary protections, work authorization, and a shield from deportation to countries of their nationality where they would face to disease, violence, starvation, the aftermath of natural disasters, and other life-threatening conditions, … Continue reading UUSJ Continues Support of TPS