Author: admin

Why I sold my guns

Average citizens who think they can whip a concealed gun out to shoot down a bad guy are living under a dangerous illusion.  Joel Miller | 9/1/1999 This essay first appeared in the September/October 1999 issue of UU World, when the author was minister of the Columbine Unitarian Universalist Church, near Columbine High School in Littleton, … Continue reading Why I sold my guns

Stop the Assault on Medicaid

Medicaid Work Requirements Jeopardize Health and Financial Security of Millions of People updated: February 11, 2018 Contact your US Senators, Representative and Governor Call your Members of Congress – U.S. Capitol Switchboard: (202) 224-3121 Outreach to governors is especially important in these states where waivers are pending: AR, AZ, KS, ME, MS, NH, UT, and WI Find your governor’s … Continue reading Stop the Assault on Medicaid

Immigration Task Force News: UUSJ surveys immigration and refugee support efforts

To strengthen networking and share best practices, UUSJ’s Immigration Task Force launched a survey to gather information on immigration and refugee support activities among UU congregations. The survey asks for information on a wide array of services, advocacy and educational efforts. Results will be shared with those interested in immigrant and refugee justice. Responses are … Continue reading Immigration Task Force News: UUSJ surveys immigration and refugee support efforts

Give credit where credit is due! UUSJ volunteers mobilized, analyzed, and advocated in 2017!

Last November our volunteers rolled up their sleeves and got to work, so during 2017 we’ve advocated on behalf of UUs across the nation, in collaboration with UUs from around our region. We’ve grown the profile of UUSJ advocacy. We launched our every second Tuesday, Advocacy Corps marking us with distinction. We participated in rallies … Continue reading Give credit where credit is due! UUSJ volunteers mobilized, analyzed, and advocated in 2017!

“Why I Went to the GA” By Hal Fuller, UU Congregation of Fairfax

At the memorial service for Hal Fuller, long-time UUSJ leader, previous Board Co-chair, and member of the UU Congregation of Fairfax, his daughter read his powerful “Why I Went to the GA” essay, which reflects his upbringing in New Mexico. His words then deserve our careful attention now, as our nation continues to wrestle with … Continue reading “Why I Went to the GA” By Hal Fuller, UU Congregation of Fairfax


UUSJ: Website – Facebook – Twitter – Flickr Contents: What is #GivingTuesday? The Big Idea Behind #GivingTuesday How Do I Donate? Why Should I Be Involved? A New Tradition of Advocacy Donation? What is #GivingTuesday? #GivingTuesday was founded in 2012 by NY’s 92nd Street Y in partnership with the United Nations Foundation. Together with a … Continue reading #GivingTuesday

CSAI: “The Corruption of Our Democracy”

November as an election month is a good time to consider the 2016-2020 Congregational Study Action Issue (CSAI), “The Corruption of Our Democracy,” especially since 2018 will be an exceptionally important election year. Is your congregation involved in discussing this issue? Let us know at Read full text of the CSAI, “The Corruption of Our Democracy” … Continue reading CSAI: “The Corruption of Our Democracy”