Wednesday, the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fairfax (VA) Board approved the calling of a special Congregational meeting November 3 to vote on a strong climate change resolution UUCF Resolution on Global Warming -draft 9-3-13. Over the next month, UUCF’s Climate Action Group will be hosting discussion sessions after each of our Sunday services, and Roger Helms and I will discuss the ethical, moral and scientific justifications for Unitarian Universalist action on climate change at a Science, Reason and Religion forum October 6 at 12:45-1:45 in the UUCF program building.
Please consider moving Congregational Resolutions on climate change in your faith communities, perhaps patterned on the one that we will be considering at UUCF this fall. We believe that those of us in and around the nation’s capital share a special responsibility to speak out and to act to mitigate the climate catastrophes that will occur if national and international policies and practices do not change. Our Climate Action Group is reaching out to leaders of faith communities to pass strong statements of faith and conscience that our religious communities support vigorous, sustained action by our political and faith leaders, our communities and our families to stop greenhouse gas pollution that will disastrously disrupt our climate and the web of life. At denominational levels, many faiths have taken very strong moral positions on climate change. I’ve attached a recent compilation. FactSheet_Faith_and_Climate_Change_121212 We believe that continued, intense witness to the potentially calamitous effects of greenhouse gas pollution can change policies and practices.
UUCF’s Climate Action Group is hosting a Facebook page Religious Action on Climate. We are members of faith-based communities focused on confronting global climate change caused by human activity. The page and the Climate Action Group serve as a forum for discussion, sharing information and plans for a way forward. www.facebook/
EARTH DAY PLANNING: We have just formed our planning committee to prepare for Earth Day and spring 2014 actions. We would like to connect with you, your social justice and climate change groups, and your congregations to create a very strong, enduring presence. We meet the second and fourth Wednesday’s of the month from 7:00 to 9:00 pm in the UUCF Social Hall in our Program Building. Please consider coming by, share what you are working on. Let’s work together on this vital effort for our grandchildren and for the interconnected web of life.