The Unitarian Universalist United Nations Office is ramping up our action to fight climate change. One way to do this is to raise awareness, especially with the younger generation. Our intern Lily Hartzell has spent the last six weeks developing a six lesson religious education curriculum for fourth and fifth graders (but it can be used as a tool for all ages) about the effects of climate change, focusing especially on ties to the United Nation’s many programs. The goal of the curriculum is to give participants the knowledge and skills they need to take action against climate change as they grow up and for them to develop an understanding of the problem that is grounded in their faith. We gratefully acknowledge the UUA Tapestry of Faith program “World of Wonder” for stories in sessions one and five.
We would love for congregations to try out the new curriculum and spread the word. You can find it on our website and more information on our blog. We would appreciate your comments or questions as well.
Thank you for your support in this deeply important issue!
In Peace & Justice,
The UU-UNO Climate Change Initiative Team