12th Anniversary of DACA, June 2024

June 14, 2024
Contact: Pablo DeJesus | info@uusj.org

The President should strengthen and defend DACA

Dreamers and other DACA recipients have been waiting 4,383 days and counting.


Washington, D.C. — Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice is saddened that yet another Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) anniversary has arrived without significant and positive relief for Dreamers and other DACA recipients. 

DACA has helped many undocumented young people build careers and community in the United States. They have started families and contributed to our economy. As DACA reaches its 12th anniversary, the policy is under threat in the federal courts.

Unitarian Universalists feel it is long past time, long overdue, to provide certainty to DACA recipients and their families and we feel that such certainty should include a pathway to citizenship. Dreamers and others are valued in our communities and networks.

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Pablo DeJesús, Executive Director of Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice, stated:

“It has been 12 years since the Obama administration issued the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy.

“DACA was envisioned as a temporary policy to provide certain young undocumented immigrants, often referred to as ‘Dreamers’, relief from deportation and work authorization until Congress could act on a permanent solution.

“Even though as many as 68% of Americans support a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers, Congress has failed to act. This means that DACA recipients have lived in a ‘twilight zone’ of uncertainty for 4,383 days and counting.

“Consistent with our faith we Side With Love, to say, ‘Congress needs to pass the Dream Act now! Congress needs to protect Dreamers and other DACA recipients!'”

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(See here for UUSJ’s immigration priorities.)

Established in 1999, Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice is a network of Unitarian Universalist individuals and congregations that lifts up the light of reason, the warmth of community, and the flame of hope to advance equitable national policies and actions aligned with UU values through witness, education, and advocacy. We envision a just, compassionate, and sustainable world community. Follow us on Twitter @UUSJ