UUSJ’s Immigration Task Group is also calling on Congress to reduce funding for the Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) in the Department of Homeland Security budget for the fiscal year 2021. It also urges strict limitations on moving money from other DHS agencies to ICE and CBP. Action on the DHS appropriations isn’t expected until after the election.
This comes in response to reports of DHS’ repeatedly misusing appropriated funds, declining to respond to queries and hearings, and heartbreaking stories of rising COVID-19 infection rates and unwanted surgery on detained female immigrants. The Immigration Task Group’s virtual briefings focused on appropriations bill provisions calling for strengthened congressional oversight and transparency.
On these two issues, UUSJ scheduled 12 zoom meetings with Senators’ offices during late September and early October to advocate on these two issues — ICE/CBP funding in the next appropriations bill and better inclusion of immigrants in the next COVID Relief bill.