ARE STILL IN, Even if Our Federal Government is Not

UUs ARE STILL IN, Even if Our Federal Government is Not

Do you live in a City or State that is “Still In?”  Then you are one of 156 Million Americans with a leader who has pledged to keep the US Paris Climate Agreement Commitments.

Help turn that pledge into real action for a Just Transition away from the Fossil Fuel Economy by engaging with your Mayor.  The UU Movement Creating Climate Justice is all about taking the pledges and aspiring higher for action.   You, your Green Team, or your congregation can engage at a LITE to an ALL IN level based on your capacity.


Unitarian Church of Lincoln Nebraska Green Sanctuary Committee Members proudly posing with their 96 Rooftop Solar Panels, (John Riley, Curt Donaldson), also members of Lincoln’s Citizen Advisory Board for We Are Still In (Photographer Linda R. Brown)

Learn More Here:

  1. The UUs Climate Just Transition Movement using the We Are Still In (WASI) – UU WASI Here
  2. We Are Still In Information and to Register your climate work alongside the UUA Here
  3. View UUA President Reverend Susan Frederick Gray’s Create Climate Justice video message and declaring, We Are Still In!

Contact Doris Marlin –


Members of the First Universalist Church of Denver hosting Interfaith Green Building Conference; Responding to Climate Change (L-R John Bringenberg, Hillary Moreland, Toni Nading, Tom Abood) WASI signatories, celebrating 1-Year Anniversary