A review of UUSJ and UUs with the Poor People’s Campaign – 2018

UUSJ and UUA endorsed the PPC during 2018 and helped UU mobilization across the nation in support of the 40 Day Moral Monday Campaign. A video summary of the PPC effort is available here.



During the 2018 season of direct actions, more than 200 UUs were arrested, including our own John Gubbings, UUSJ Board Member, on May 14th, as was UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, and Rev. Abhi Janamanchi, Senior Minister of Cedar Lane.

You can review press coverage of the PPC on their main web page here.

You can also review the following UUSJ items:

  1. Rally photos of May 14 and May 21 2018.
  2. John Gubbings’ testimonial  “Why I Took Direction Action with the Poor People’s Campaign” of May 30, 2018.
  3. Rev. Dr. Beth Johnson, rally remarks, Washington D.C. June 4, 2018 “Week Four – Healthy Planet and Health Care.”
  4. Rev. Abhi Janamanchi, rally remarks, Washington D.C., June 23, 2018 “Culminating Event– Global Day of Solidarity and Sending Forth Call to Action Mass Rally.”
  5. Rev. Tanner on “I Was A Wearied Kind of Ready: Lessons from Poor People’s Campaign” of August 3, 2018.
  6. Elisabeth Geschiere on “Why I Believe Nonviolent Direct Action* is Imperative” of August 4, 2018.