Do You Share This Vision?
“UUs nationwide will be reliable and fully engaged partners in advocacy and action that accomplish local, national, and global practices for the Climate Just Transition to 100 % Renewable Energy, guided by the UN Sustainable Development Goals.”
2019 arrived with a red-hot awareness and urgency to respond to climate change. Yet, finding a way to make a difference as an individual is so daunting and measurable action elusive. But in a movement you can amplify your efforts, do so with your UU neighbors, nationally-networked, engaged with local leaders who are on record stating they will reduce GHG emissions and continue to support the Paris Climate Agreement.
It’s doable:
- Under the overarching goal of a Just Transition Away from Fossil Fuels.
- Inclusive of a broad spectrum of many developing calls for green new action.
- Linked within the large-tent, multi-sector “We Are Still In” partnership of 3600 + which reaches almost half of the US population.
UUs will organize at the level of effort that fits their local capabilities and amplify through “Create Climate Justice.”
Some of the key objectives for a UU Climate Just Transition Movement are:
- Rapidly reduce GHGs at local level with local governments, expanding the US “pre 2020 ambition” of the Paris Climate Agreement.
- Empower and be allies to marginalized communities.
- Mobilize UUs and other partners using the Create Climate Justice networking tool.
- Spread awareness and support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and 2030 Agenda.
- In additional to this external effort, provide support for internal congregation and individual efforts to reduce their Carbon Footprint.
Already on board for this initiative is the UUA Green Sanctuary Advisory Board, UU United Nations Office.
UUSJ and UU Ministry for the Earth (UUMFE) will be discussing the opportunity.
To get the outreach tools or to help shape the initiative as a charter member, add your name HERE.
Questions? Contact: Doris Marlin Member, Green Sanctuary Advisory Board and Member All Souls Church Unitarian, Washington DC.