On August 27 at the UU Church of Arlington UUs gathered to begin shaping a new UUSJ strategic plan to give voice to our values on escalating inequality as a moral issue. Conversation focused on three facets of this work: actionable advocacy priorities, the moral impetus of our efforts, and messaging on the intersection of the moral context and government affairs.
Top legislative and policy issues discussed included tax reform, universal basic income, campaign finance reform, minimum wage, infrastructure reform, corporate governance, and trade policy. In addition the group discussed the potential benefit the Congregational Study/Action Issues (CSAI): Escalating Inequality has to help shape messaging around the moral underpinnings of our efforts. The group agreed to do issue research and meet again on September 18.
As UUs, we want to participate in the next phase of the 2014-18 Congregational Study/Action Issues (CSAI): Escalating Inequality. A draft Statement of Conscience (SOC) will be released in mid-November for discussion within congregations and with a deadline of February 1 for congregational poll ballots and comments on the draft SOC. UUSJ has a great opportunity to help raise awareness with local UUs and influence the SOC being considered at the next General Assembly.
While little can be expected legislatively during this election season, there will plenty of need for action with the new administration. Much will depend on the composition of Congress, but we should be ready to make our voices heard with a compelling rationale that reflects our UU principles. For further information, contact Adam Wasserman, adamrw53(at)gmail.com.