Sunday, January 31, 1:00pm (Reschedule from Sunday, January 23)
Washington Ethical Society, DC
Closest metro: Silver Spring (about 0.8 miles) and on the S4 bus route; free parking on 16th Street.
RSVP to Carol Rawie at kenrawie(at) or 301-649-4990 or contact for more information.
Len Cohen, a Certified Financial Planner and member of Rockville Unitarian, will present a one-hour workshop on how we can align our investments with our ethical values. The workshop will show how to invest in ways that encourage corporate progress on practices related to the environment, campaign and lobbying spending, human rights, poverty, diversity, labor practices, and other national and international concerns. There really is an impact from socially responsible investing, and the evidence suggests these investments perform at least as well as a socially indifferent portfolio.
Bring a brown bag lunch or $5 for a vegetarian sandwich.