Testimonial for work in Support of Fast for Immigration Reform

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We are so grateful to the folks at UUSJ. Their flexibility and quick response enabled our Denver based vision of a D.C. action at Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) headquarters a reality. With little advanced notice, they swung into action working tirelessly and behind the scenes to provide hospitality to people coming from out of town, line up lay and clergy support and participants, and offer up practical suggestions. Thanks to them we were able to double our efforts, and lead not only fasting in front of ICE in D.C. but also coordinate solidarity fasting around the country to get ICE officials to use their powers of discretion to defer deportation of undocumented immigrants. Such efforts helped immeasurably to make the action a success and to keep our spirits up as what seemed so daunting and impossible suddenly was possible. – Chris Wheeler, First Unitarian Society of Denver, Jennifer Piper, American Friends Service Committee.