350 Loudoun, a local chapter of 350.org, is dedicated to building an awareness of human-induced climate change among the residents and businesses of Loudoun County. Through education, outreach, and civic action, 350 Loudoun aims to promote a sound understanding of human induced climate change and its impacts on our economy, national security, environment, public health, and local community. We also work with our elected officials to create a strong public policy response to climate change.
350 Loudoun launched several divestment campaigns on February 14, Global Divestment Day. The petition seeks to bring the divestment movement to the VA General Assembly. The Virginia Retirement System (VRS) manages 67 billion dollars and approximately 820 employers participate in the system, including state agencies, public colleges and universities, local public school divisions and political subdivisions that have elected to participate.
Support the petition to the VA General Assembly by signing the petition and circulating it within your group.http://campaigns.gofossilfree.org/petitions/divest-the-virginia-retirement-system-from-fossil-fuels
350 Loudoun is also petitioning our local governments to request that the Va General Assembly instruct the VRS to divest from fossil fuels. Below are the two local petitions we have started.
Find divestment campaign on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Divest-VRS/1036117419737182?ref=hl
Find the campaign on Twitter: https://twitter.com/DivestVRS
Stay connected to 350 Loudoun: “Like” them on Facebook: 350 Loudoun. 350loudoun.blogspot.com