A just, compassionate, and sustainable world community.
Advance equitable national policies and actions, aligned with UU values, through engagement, education, and advocacy.
Moral Owners
UUs, UU congregations, Impacted communities, and Organizations representing those communities.
*We are effective and responsive
*We are faithful to our UU Principles
*We respect others

UUSJ works to make our Government fairer and more inclusive by the following actions:
1. Selecting issues strategically that are moving in Congress
2. Arranging meetings with Congressional staff so UUs can talk to Congress
3. Publicizing Action Alerts
4. Maintaining Issue Action Teams on the priority issues
5. Conducting workshops and webinars
6. Organizing witnessing activities
Let’s help build a powerful, inclusive, collaborative Democracy Movement
Our Democracy Movement aims to create a society where everyone's basic needs are met and people have the opportunity to grow and thrive. Our goal is to create a Democracy that prioritizes the needs of the people and dismantles systems that prioritize the rich and powerful.