How The Maryland Interfaith Legislative Council (MILC) Chooses Issues

The Maryland Interfaith Legislative Committee (MILC) was launched by Maryland?’s religious institutions and their human service providers in 1979. Members come together to articulate their shared concern for and moral wisdom regarding care for their neighbors and the larger human community. MILC advocates on public policy positions which, determined by consensus, stem from its members? shared religious values. These shared values lead MILC to advocate in the three general areas below. MILC concentrates particularly on issues that affect vulnerable and marginalized members of our society, including those who are poor, aged, and new to our country. ECONOMIC SECURITY AND JUSTICE MILC is concerned about the nearly half-million Marylanders living in or near poverty and advocates for services that uphold their dignity and help them reach their full potential. MILC believes that cash assistance should more closely approach the level necessary to live a minimally decent life in Maryland. MILC supports fair and progressive tax policies that consider the economic and social implications for families and communities, protection of the most vulnerable, and possession of the means to bear public revenue burdens. HEALTH AND WELL-BEING MILC is concerned for vulnerable Marylanders? access to programs and services that enhance their physical and mental health. MILC supports adequate funding for programs that provide comprehensive health insurance, health services, mental health care, drug treatment, and services for those with disabilities. WORKFORCE OPPORTUNITIES MILC supports policies that help individuals secure jobs, and that ensure workers just compensation and fair and safe workplaces. MILC advocates for programs that prepare people for work, such as literacy and basic adult education, subsidized child care and job training. MILC also advocates for fair workplace policies, such as the Flexible Leave Act and the minimum wage.


41 State Circle, Suite 4
Annapolis, MD 21401
Phone/Voice 410-268-4122
Phone/Fax 410-268-3554
Joan Clinch, Director

Member Groups

American Jewish Committee Washington Area
Archdiocese of Washington
Baltimore Jewish Council
Catholic Charities of Baltimore
Central Maryland Ecumenical Council
Christian Science Committee on Publication for Maryland
Community Ministries of Rockville
Episcopal Dioceses of Maryland and Washington
Interfaith Works
Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Washington
Lutheran Office on Public Policy in Maryland
Maryland Catholic Conference
Maryland Jewish Alliance
Maryland Muslim Council, Inc.
Presbytery of Baltimore
United Church of Christ Central Atlantic Conference
United Methodist Church Baltimore-Washington Conference
Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice of Greater Washington

2009 Legislative Agenda

The Maryland Interfaith Legislative Committee (MILC) appreciates that the most pressing and challenging issue of the Maryland General Assembly’s 2009 legislative session will be balancing an overburdened budget in difficult economic times.

At the same time, MILC and its affiliated faith communities witness the distressing challenges facing low-income Marylanders and the congregations and charities that serve them.

MILC’s 2009 legislative agenda will therefore primarily focus on protecting the important public programs that in turn protect vulnerable Marylanders. MILC will oppose budget cuts to programs that provide for the most basic needs of Marylanders in need.

In conjunction with and in addition to this focus, MILC will advocate on the following four topics:


Together, climbing home energy costs and growing economic difficulties are causing a record number of Maryland households to seek energy assistance, both from local congregations and charities and from the State’s energy-assistance programs. MILC supports adequate funding for these assistance programs and urges the State to implement an efficiency program that allows all low-income residents to access energy-efficiency measures and improvements.


The struggle to find affordable, adequate housing continues to be a pressing issue for Marylanders in need. A person’s housing situation impacts not just health, warmth, and safety, but also one’s ability to find work, to place children in school and child care, and to become part of a community. MILC supports policies that assist Marylanders living in or near poverty as they seek to find and sustain affordable, adequate housing.


MILC’s efforts to speak for vulnerable people extend to those who are new to Maryland and to the United States. Like those who came before them, today’s immigrants face obstacles in their efforts to assimilate into American society. MILC supports policies that help immigrants overcome these obstacles. MILC opposes efforts to limit immigrants’ access to opportunities that allow them to build a better future for themselves, their families, and the community as a whole.

Religious Accommodation

MILC supports Marylanders’ right to make their religious practices active parts of their day-to-day lives. Accordingly, MILC supports legislation that would give Marylanders recourse to the Maryland Human Relations Commission for requests for reasonable accommodations to their religious needs in multi-family dwellings.

UUSJ is a member of the Maryland Interfaith Legislative Committee (MILC). This organization seeks to influence decisions of the Maryland General Assembly in the field of social justice, especially support for families, low income and disadvantaged people, and environmental concerns. In the recently completed 2009 session, MILC helped pass the following legislation:

Domestic Violence, Protective Orders: Surrender of Firearms (HB296/SB267)
Requires that those subject to a final protective order must surrender any firearms and refrain from possessing any firearm for the duration of the protective order.

Termination of Electric and Gas Service during Temperature Extremes (HB 453/SB1057) Prohibits public service companies from terminating service to residential customers for non-payment when the high temperature is lower than 32 degrees or higher than 95 degrees.

Eligibility, for Unemployment Insurance for Part Time Work. (HB 310/SB 270) Provides (under specified circumstances) for unemployment insurance for those able to work only part time.

Modification of Electric Universal Service Program (HB 736/SB 703) Expands the program for providing assistance with electric bills, clarifies the scope of weatherization assistance.

Training Welfare-to-Work Participants for Employment in Green Jobs. (HB 268/SB 992) Requires that a program be developed and implemented to hire Family Investment Program recipients and others, with special emphasis in training for jobs in energy efficiency and renewable energy industries and construction.

Identification Cards for Released Inmates (HB 215/SB 186) Requires that an identification card meeting certain requirements be issued to inmates as they are released from prison

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction (HB315/SB 278). Sets a statewide goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 25% below 2006 levels by 2020; Develop and implement specified programs to achieve this goal.

Preschool Education for All (184/SB234) requires development of a business plan to extend preschool education to all children, and identify a funding source.

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